Week 12 Reflection

This week was probably one of the biggest weeks ever for exhibition.

Taking action:

We started to make a plan of how we can take action for our global issue. We talked about what action is. Ana and I wrote down ideas for taking action so we can try to make an impact on the world. It was a struggle but I think it can work.

week 11 reflection

This week was a very busy week because we needed to do a lot of preparing for week 4 because that is when we are going to be doing out presentation for exhibition.

Got done:

The thing that i ended up getting done in this week was my wall stuff and my planning.

Getting ready:

The thing than i need to do more of and get ready for my finishing off items such as my one information text.

Remember to do:

the things that i need to remember to do on the day is putting string on my banners and getting them up on my wall space.


One of my goals next week is to practise my speaking and what i am going to say on the night and on the days that some of the classes are going to come on!

Week 10 reflection

Week 10 was such an amazing week for me because it is almost the end of our expiation, we are almost going into the net part of out Exhibition and that is us getting ready to do a presentations to all of the people that are coming to Exhabition  night. Before the night i need to get ready to say a show all of my work  to the people that are watching and coming to my stall. I think this is going to be a huge success!

Week 9 reflection

St. Andrews in Concert has had a huge impact on getting my tasks for Exhibition done. I think I need to work more on my to do list so then I know what I have done or what I need to work more on. Making my conclusions is really getting things ready to present on Exhibition Evening. I have been working on:

  • 3 information texts
  • 2 pieces of poetry
  • a video
  • a poster in art
  • a dance in PE
  • sorting and organising my research folder

I am proud of how much work I have done and I am starting to think about what I want my stall to look like on Exhibition Evening.

Finding out, sorting out, going further

Finding out- i think what went well was my research that i did about my global issue. The other thing that i did well was that i needed to do mor research about other places that people do not have an education. And i think i did very well with my finding out stage!

Sorting out- I think i went really well with my sorting, there was some thing that i really got i new what to do but at the same time there was some things that i just didn’t get and was extremely hard and frustrating.

Going further- i have gone further with my research by doing a bar graph about all of the global issues. I can no wait to go to my next part of my Exhibition. I really enjoyed this part of my research!!


Today in digital technology i learnt about text compression, and i wrote a rhyme about baba black sheep. We learnt also about how the computers work!

Personal devices at school

Personal Devices at School


Firstly I strongly believe that personal devices should be allowed at school. There are many reasons for this. For example, if it is the end of the day and your mum and dad are in traffic or running late then you would need to call them or message them if you are not safe.

Secondly, if you’re in an emergency like a fire at school you would need to call them to help you in case you are by your self going to get a drink, or going to the toilet.

Thirdly, having devices at school allows students to access content that may not be allowed at school. For example, Snapchat is not allowed at school but it could be helpful in case you get lost and you do not know where you are. Snapchat allows you to take a photo of where you are so then your parents can pick you up from that location. Also if you’re on a excursion and your went the opposite way to your class and get lost you might need to Snapchat them so they know were you are. This is a way to keep students safe.


As you can see devices should by definitely allowed at school for the reasons of communicating, emergencies and content access.
Should personal devices be allowed at school?